Mummy Hearts You Weekly Catch-Up | 1/52


My first weekly catch-up of the year! I hope you all have had a lovely Christmas and celebrated the New Year in style! Here is what Mummy Hearts You has got up to over the past week!

Sunday we woke at my in-laws. After celebrating boxing day there we decided to have a sleep over. It easier for us as we don’t live very close. I was cooked a english breakfast by my father in law which was really good! Once home we relaxed, we may of popped out to by a new hairdryer and a McDonalds lunch! Once home I was so tired I went for a lay down and when I woke H was snuggled next to me. An easy tea of cheese and crackers and and early night was had..

We had to pop to a friends on Monday. Mr B had a quick look at their boiler as it was playing up. G and H had a little play with their friends. We were back home for lunch and a relaxing afternoon playing board games. I popped out to get a few bits for the next few nights for dinner. Mr B was working late at work so it was just me, G and H eating dinners.

Tuesday Mr B was back at work and I was meeting a friend at the soft play. H has had a cough for a while and he got so hot and worked up, he was sick everywhere! Luckily it cleared his chest and although he still kept coughing he seemed to be much better after he bought up the nastiness that was on his chest. I was so embarrassed, I kept reiterating that he was ok and he didn’t have a bug! We arrived back home and we all had baths straight away.. I stunk and H was covered! I also started on my new crochet project!

I popped over to see my sister on Wednesday. G was excited to see her cousins. We stayed for lunch and she made me a few bits for my diary. She has a clever machine that makes stickers! Once home we got into our pjs and spent the rest of the day on the sofa. I had minted lamb for dinner {my favourite!} once the children were in bed.

Thursday Mr B was off and I was up early to do the weekly shop and then  had a few errands to run. G spent her christmas money on 2 new toys {as if she needed more!} H decided to save his as he couldn’t find anything he wanted. After lunch Mr B popped out to the comic shop and purchased a few items out of his money he received for christmas. I spent the afternoon crocheting! I went to bed early feeling a bit poorly. I am not one to celebrate New Years.

After a restless night Friday was a pyjama day. Mr B was back to work. We didn’t do anything all day. I got some more crocheting done and G and H spent the day playing with their toys. I managed to get on top of the washing and sort out homes for all the new lego! We had a cheeky takeout pizza for dinner.

Saturday Mr B was again at work and I tidied the house. I had a friend over for lunch and we played our favourite game of monopoly. I made some homemade chips for lunch and we just caught up and had a good old natter. H was a little unsettled all day and I put it down to lack of sleep! He was a bit of a pickle all day.

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